Este album está compuesto de improvisaciones en SuperCollider utilizando sintetizadores hechos en casa y sintetizadsores que manipulan samples.
La idea de base es lo lento que pasa el tiempo a nivel psicológico. Tendemos a pensar que el tiempo es constante y lineal pero ya Einstein demostró que esto no es cierto, también ya lo habían demostrado los antiguos lamas, depende de cómo lo sintamos y procesemos con nuestro mente-cuerpo.
Estando en Aspen, Colorado tuve la suerte de coincidir con una Kalachakra que se llevó a cabo en las montañas cercanas, esas donde suelen ir a esquiar los esquiadores.
This album is composed of improvisations on SuperCollider using homemade synths and synthesizers that manipulate samples.
The basic idea is how slowly time passes on a psychological level. We tend to think that time is constant and linear but Einstein has already shown that this is not true, the ancient lamas had already shown it, it depends on how we feel and process it with our mind-body.
While in Aspen, Colorado, I was lucky enough to coincide with a Kalachakra that took place in the nearby mountains, those where skiers often go skiing.
The basic idea is how slowly time passes on a psychological level. We tend to think that time is constant and linear but Einstein has already shown that this is not true, the ancient lamas had already shown it, it depends on how we feel and process it with our mind-body.
While in Aspen, Colorado, I was lucky enough to coincide with a Kalachakra that took place in the nearby mountains, those where skiers often go skiing.